spot de Ogilvy Romania pentru WWF
Mustard e o noua agentie de publicitate, agentie care a ajuns la etatea de o luna si un pic.
Un timp Mustard a functionat ca partener strategic si creativ pentru Paprika.
De curand functioneaza si ca agentie independenta, cu cativa clienti ( ca Praktiker, Special Olympics ) si 6 oameni. Printre ei Logan Fisher (foto dreapta), Creative Director la Mustard, cu experienta, tineti-va bine, la McCann Erickson Londra, Fallon London si Naked Communications, Londra. :D. Si, ( sfatul ramane valabil) Gil Lang (foto stanga), Strategic Planner & Business Director la Mustard, cu experienta la Imperial Majesty Cruise Miami si Crispin Porter&Bogusky ( Miami).
Cum Gil era in Miami, am stat de vorba cu Logan, undeva prin Romana, intr-o dupa amiaza de vineri cam ca asta. Despre motivele pentru care a ales Romania ca loc de trait si despre aparitia agentiei Mustard, a mai aparut aici :
Logan ne –a mai spus despre rolul lui de cool-kid si implicarea din postura de consultant/trend-setter in campanii pentru Coca-Cola si Reebok, despre cum a lasat cursurile pentru a fugi in cluburi unde a inceput sa mixeze, despre cum a mixat mai departe designul, fotografia, moda de lux, publicitatea si muzica, si tot asa pana a ajuns in 2003 sa mixeze in cluburuile din Bucuresti. Captivat de atmosfera si de .. oameni, Logan isi deschide in 2006 un atelier de creatie ( named SECTOR 7 ) platforma prin care a putut colaborara cu Romtelecom si Amigo.. Avand conexiuni printre artistii romani de underground, vizual si audio, care intre timp insa s-au mai si afirmat (D J Radoo is one of his favourites), si o perceptie asupra tinerilor, asupra evolutiei modului lor de viata ( life-style cum s-ar zice), perceptiilor si culturii lor ( mai ales a ceea ce se numeste cultura urbana), Logan va miza mult in campaniile pe care le va coordona la Mustard, pe aceste ingrediente.
Aici o parte de dialogul cu Logan, in engleza, pentru ca mix – ul nu dauneaza deloc sanatatii :
E’s : Which is the lesson that you learned at Naked and at Fallon London ?
Logan :Creating the right environment was one thing I learnt at Fallon. Fallon was
my first proper job in advertising, and at that time you couldn't wish to be in a better agency. The energy and culture of the place squeezed the very best out of you. It was like stepping into the ultimate creative place where you just smiled and thought to yourself "YES!". At Naked i learnt that it takes a diverse mix of different people to create something unique. Constantly exploring avenues of communication, taking what was cutting edge and fresh, and giving it a direction.
E’s : Which are the cultural trends in youth culture, in Romania ?
Logan: We're seeing Romanian youth being influenced by trends from outside the country now. You know, you've got the indie thing, the club kids, the
skaters etc. It's interesting how a few things influence like minded people
in different countries to now dress the same way. Before the internet
subcultures were more demographically formed, now strings of events,
individuals, and brand's influences can be felt resonating to like minded
tribes of people all over the world. In London it's just more extreme, it's
louder and busier and you have to morph into a more extreme form to get
noticed/stand out/set yourself apart. The Hipster is a case in point, a
global sub-culture. This is what sub-culture has become. There is no real
underground anymore, it's not allowed time to form into something radically
different before it gets picked up on, and blown wide open.
E’s : Is a romanian brand that you prefer and that you would like to work for ?
Logan :Many romanian brands have now become challenger brands. Mustard would like to work with these companies, offering targeted creative and strategic solutions for them to communicate effectively against the big international players.
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